Collisions YYC

The Canadian aviation industry is a complex one, and Josh Hooper knows that better than most. As the President of E3 Aerospace Inc., he’s been working to on-shore pilot training programs to Canada—and Calgary was the perfect place for this business. Learn about the unique challenges Josh has faced when trying to raise capital and how E3 is positioned to reap the rewards of pilot training needs as global travel continues to take off.

Show Notes

If you had to train twice a year to maintain your job, would you prefer to pay in US dollars and be away from your loved ones for days at a time or would you prefer to stay in Calgary? To Josh and the E3 Aerospace team, it was obvious. To close this gap, and grow the business, Josh hopes to help investors understand the complexities of aviation and the high cost of flight simulators (both to build, run and maintain). If you’re raising funds for a lesser-known industry or solution, his experience will help you.

What is Collisions YYC?

Tired of the same old news cycle? Get informed on what’s happening in businesses in Calgary, Alberta and beyond with Collisions YYC.

Tyler Chisholm hosts Alberta’s best and brightest minds who are shaping the very landscape of our province with their work in fields like Technology, FinTech, Energy, Healthcare, Education, AI, and more. Tyler’s inherent curiosity and exploratory style fuel candid conversations with the people who are driving change in our city, our province and the world.

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