Squad Up!

On the tenth episode of Squad Up!, the squad invites "Hero of Hyrule" Robbie onto the show to engage in a long awaited debate - which era has produced the best video games? Drop in and pick a side! #teamEduardo #teamRobbie #Peach3zIsAlwaysNeutral

Show Notes

On the tenth episode of Squad Up!, the squad invites "Hero of Hyrule" Robbie onto the show to engage in a long awaited debate - which era has produced the best video games? Drop in and pick a side! #teamEduardo #teamRobbie #Peach3zIsAlwaysNeutral

Let us know what you think via social media:

Twitch - twitch.tv/peach3z - twitch.tv/abcdeduardo

Facebook - facebook.com/SquadUpPodcast/

Twitter - twitter.com/SquadUpPodcast - twitter.com/D_Peach3z

Links from the show:

  • Steam Link is a thing, we guess: https://www.polygon.com/2018/5/9/17337612/steam-link-mobile-ios-android
  • Halo as an arcade game: http://www.ign.com/articles/2018/05/17/halo-fireteam-raven-arcade-game-announced
  • Blizzard putting CoD BO4 on their client: https://www.polygon.com/2018/5/17/17365696/call-of-duty-black-ops-4-trailers-multiplayer-zombies-battle-royale
  • Metacritic, coming in with the data: http://www.businessinsider.com/best-video-games-metacritic-2017-11

What is Squad Up!?

Eduardo and Peach3z - two lifelong nerds who love playing games, hearing their own voices, and participating in general tomfoolery. Join the squad as they talk all things video games - from history, to news, and everything in between!