Be with the Word

Be with the Word Trailer Bonus Episode 54 Season 1

Learning to Wait: The First Step in Overcoming Addiction - 1st Sun of Advent - Episode 54

Learning to Wait: The First Step in Overcoming Addiction - 1st Sun of Advent - Episode 54Learning to Wait: The First Step in Overcoming Addiction - 1st Sun of Advent - Episode 54


As we begin the Advent season of waiting on Christ, Dr. Gerry and Thomas Clements discuss “Learning to Wait: The First Step in Overcoming Addiction”.

Show Notes

As we begin the Advent season of waiting on Christ, Dr. Gerry and Thomas Clements discuss “Learning to Wait: The First Step in Overcoming Addiction”. Thomas is the founder of Zenith Ministries and has a graduate degree in Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville. Thomas shares his Seven Steps in dealing with addiction which include: 1) Put others first, 2) Run to something else, 3) Repeat the opposite action as often as possible, 4) Accountability, 5) Fasting, 6) Prayer, and 7) the sacramental life.

Dr. Gerry and Thomas discuss how to overcome the narcissism of addiction by facing the often difficult (and even terrifying) task of surrendering to God and reaching out to others for help. We must often wait and be watchful. Thomas provides practical strategies for addressing the gaping hole left behind from an addiction. Dr. Gerry discusses how our addictions reveal what we really need, and he explains how we need secure attachment with God and others to feel safe.

“Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming” (Mark 13)

Thomas discusses how to see people as subjects instead of objectifying them, and Dr. Gerry brings up the topic of conditioning and how to “rewire” the brain. Addiction robs us of our sense that we have any choice, but activities like fasting, prayer, and receiving the sacraments allow us to slow down and receive the love, mercy, and a renewed relationship with God which leads us to choose a new path and receive further graces of love, strength, healing.

“Yet, O Lord, you are our father: we are the clay and you the potter; we are all the work of your hands.” (Isaiah 63)

Dr. Gerry mentions Our Lady of the Inexhaustible Cup and how Christ provides Living Water. Dr. Gerry explains how addictions begin when a behavior soothes deep pain that we would prefer to avoid. Dr. Gerry and Thomas also discuss how to wait when it feels intolerable. Dr. Gerry discusses “stillness” or “hesychasm” – cultivating a spirit of slowing down, waiting, and sitting with and ing to the pain. It is important not to spiritualize problems but seek meaningful forms of accompaniment. Our current culture makes it difficult to wait. Dr. Gerry also alludes to the need for boundaries when engaging with a loved one with an addiction.

Learn more about Thomas Clements and Zenith Ministries here:
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Instagram- @zenithministries

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What is Be with the Word?

“Be With The Word” is a weekly podcast from Souls and Hearts with Dr. Gerry Crete, marriage and family therapist. The hosts delve into human and psychological issues that surface in the upcoming Sunday Mass readings.