Price of Admission

TJ Costello shares his journey from high school to the Naval Academy and his transition from military to civilian life. He emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance, mental health, and living a life of discipline and gratitude. 
- TJ discusses the challenges he faced academically and the support he received from his coaches and teachers. 
- The conversation covers the quiet revolt and intensity within the Navy football team, the contagious questions and change that spread through the team, 
- We share the same role coaching sprint football 
- Hit the experience at TBS and the Marine Corps, the challenging IOC and the influence of Captain Brian Chontosh, the deployment to Fallujah and serving in the Marine Corps, and the importance of communication and engaging Marines. 
- In this conversation, TJ discusses the importance of taking ownership and building trust within a team. 
- TJ also reflects on the impact of mental health and the need to address issues that may arise. He discusses his decision to transition out of the Marine Corps and the challenges he faced in finding a new career. 
- TJ emphasizes the value of relationships and mentors in his life and the ongoing struggle to find acceptance and be true to oneself.
A little bit off “It’s nothing, but its Friggin everything” and “that’s what I mean by everything”

What is Price of Admission ?

Perseverance stories from all phases of the journey, capturing critical confidence realizations that built character and teams.

Contact: For any Q&A or if you have interest in speaking on POA, please send a note to