Make Money Online

Why Alan Weiss says you should put yourself on call 24/7 (and why we
disagree with that).
Being on call 24/7 disrupts your work/life balance and exceeds
Unless you're working in a situation like DevOps, Backups, or it's a
situation where Something Is On Fire And Costing The Business
Millions, it isn't necessary.


Show Notes

  • Why Alan Weiss says you should put yourself on call 24/7 (and why we
    disagree with that).
  • Being on call 24/7 disrupts your work/life balance and exceeds
  • Unless you're working in a situation like DevOps, Backups, or it's a
    situation where Something Is On Fire And Costing The Business
    Millions, it isn't necessary.


What is Make Money Online?

A very small podcast about reckless, unfettered business domination.