Serious about sustainability

Architect & Ecodan Ambassador George Clarke explains how Modern Methods of Construction is shaping the future of energy-efficient and sustainable UK homes.

Show Notes

In this episode, Max Halliwell from Ecodan talks to architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke. Find out what are MMCs (Modern Methods of Construction) and how this 'mini-revolution' in off-site, factory manufacturing is shaping the design and build of energy-efficient and sustainable UK homes for self-builders and developers.

01:15 / What are MMCs and the benefits
05:50 / House specifications – options to order 
07:29 / 'Just-in-time' building process?
10:58 / Mobie charity
19:13 / Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
19:40 / A stable construction workforce for the future
22:00 / We still built houses like the Romans
26:20 / A real opportunity to change the industry
28:00 / Smart homes and technology 
30:00 / Early days of MMC
32:20 / What’s it like to live with an Ecodan?
35:00 / Are we doing enough in the UK?

What is Serious about sustainability?

Serious about sustainability is a podcast series brought to you by Mitsubishi Electric's Ecodan – air source heat pump. Through a series of guest interviews including architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke, the podcast series covers a range of topics, from the perspective of UK homeowners, self-builders, contractors, and housing associations. The show promotes greater awareness of renewable, heat pump technology, helping to build a sustainable, zero-carbon future for home heating.