2 Cent Dad Podcast

It's not about being super muscular, its about being generally healthy in your body, soul, and mind. Dan Go joins me to chat about why this is vital for being a great dad but also a great husband.

Show Notes

It's not about being super muscular, its about being generally healthy in your body, soul, and mind. Dan Go joins me to chat about why this is vital for being a great dad but also a great husband. Dan explains why he helps entrepreneurs in this space and how he continues to work on himself in the process.
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Transcription (May contain typos…)

[00:00:00] Dan: [00:00:00] it's not about being Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actually, I don't think the six pack should be the goal for everybody. I don't think aesthetics should be the goal for everybody, although they do count.
They're great. I believe the goal should be again, a brain, enhancing your brain, reducing stress and getting your body to a point of where we feel it is normal enough, or you can live a nice, energetic and healthy life. 
Mike: [00:00:26] today   [00:01:00]on the podcast, we have Dan go as my special guest. and Dan is gonna talk about fitness. He's gonna talk about fatherhood.
He's a new dad. He's got a three month old daughter. so Dan, thanks for being on the podcast, man. 
Dan: [00:01:20] Dude. Thank you so much for having me, Mike. yeah, man, I've been interacting with you on Twitter and it's been a, it's been a joy to interact with you. You're one of the 99% of people that are just awesome to interact with.
So very 
Mike: [00:01:31] glad to be here. Okay. Back at you, man. that's why I wanted you have on this podcast is just because, obviously, cause you're a dad and, but one of the things that you talk about a lot is not becoming complacent. it's easy as dads when. you have your first kid, like stuff starts to just, you can get sot.
You think you can get soft in other areas. And fitness being the one that most people get soft on. So that's why I wanted to have you on man. 
Dan: [00:01:54] Yeah. It's a, it's insidious, man. I'll tell you that, to see the [00:02:00] lack of, care that's put into their bodies. Once they have a kid, it's almost a.
It's almost like they're shooting themselves in the foot. So I, how I help a lot, dads, I hope specifically entrepreneurs, but I'll literally like 99% of the entrepreneurs. I help their dads. And usually when I talked to them, one of the things that's missing is energy with the kids. Also attraction to the wife.
they want their wife to feel proud of them. And I always say this to dads too. It's like you attracted your wife based maybe on 60, the 50% of physical attractiveness. Sure. Yeah. And then when you lose that, what do you think she's gonna, what do you think she's going to do?
And if, and to me it's like the whole being out of health is also insidious. It goes down to the family as well. So if you're out of shape, then it you're most likely going to have out of shape kids. And then you hear on Twitter, it's very binary, everyone says that being out of shape as being is like child abuse to kids or something like that, but [00:03:00] it is, it's a, we're all controlled by our environment and the people that we look up to.
And if they're not in shape, then yeah. It's not a good thing. 
Mike: [00:03:08] so you hit on a topic that it was pretty charged, right? off the bat, which is being out of shape, but also raising out of shape. Kids is like child abuse. It's it is. 
Dan: [00:03:15] A little bit in it's, it's something that a lot of people can't, I can't necessarily see because they're so focused on trying to survive a lot of them.
And, there's the trying to raise this kid. They're trying to put this kid on a sleep schedule. They're trying to get some sleep and they're trying to make money. They're trying to support the family, especially from a data perspective. I feel like there's two dichotomies, at least from my perspective, because my wife is doing, she's not working right now.
She's taking care of the kids and I'm still like working at home and I'm going in and out of taking care of her and all this kind of stuff. And I can see why the dad bod. Becomes a reality because if I didn't have my standards for my body, before I got into fatherhood, then I [00:04:00] saw myself starting to miss workouts.
I saw myself starting to get tired. I saw myself, I don't really want to cook today. Can we just like order from Uber? Yeah. And I see, but it's, it comes to a point where you have to set standards for yourself. When it comes to taking care of your body when it comes to eating, it's literally, you have to make the maturity into adulthood when you make, when you have to make these choices.
And a lot of people are still stuck in eating like children right now, or eating like their children, essentially. 
Mike: [00:04:29] Yeah. And I can't remember if it was you that said making a comment about, with this whole quarantine COVID stuff, how that's easy, it's easy to just make an excuse, then like it either there's a group of people that utilize this time and said, I'm going to, I'm going to learn a skill or I'm gonna, I'm gonna work out more.
Or they're just like, they use an excuse to binge more on Netflix, 
Dan: [00:04:49] Yeah, the COVID situation was a microcosm of how people dealt with adversity. So I'll tell you a little story for me. It's so I help entrepreneurs and [00:05:00] I sell, I coached them and I charge a pretty high ticket.
I'm very expensive. So when COVID hit it was around the same time that my daughter was born. She's about four months now. And that was like the first month in which I never signed on a client actually had a couple of clients fall off because they were just scared about the whole COVID situation.
Sure. and then for me, I was just like, Oh, am I allowed to swear on this? Just 
Mike: [00:05:26] to put it out though, but you can swear. 
Dan: [00:05:30] Oh, okay. I don't like the bleep, so I won't swear. But when I saw what was happening, I was scared. And I was scared as much as everyone else was when this hit and it was a litmus test and I was just like, okay, I can't keep on doing the things that I'm doing right now.
So what the heck am I going to do? So that's actually when Twitter, my Twitter account was born. And at the reason why we met is because in the [00:06:00] past, like four months, I've grown my Twitter account from zero to now it's 18.8 K, whatever it is. 18,000 followers it's going to hit 20 soon. And that whole reason for that Twitter account was because I was just needing to do something different in order to deal with this like such COVID situation to deal with this difference, this whole change.
And I look at covert as a microcosm as of how people deal with adversity. And, if you, if it brought you down and if it, if it made you like worse and you didn't do anything about it, That's something where you actually, we have to look at yourself and look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what that AF are you made of, and a lot of the people I hang around are the ones that used COVID to launch incredible amounts of success.
Not because they could have, but because they pivoted because they adapted. So covert to me, it was like an entire like adapt or die situation. And you're [00:07:00] seeing it play out even to this day. 
Mike: [00:07:02] Yeah. And it's going to continue to play out. it's not like the uncertainty is going to go away anytime soon, right?
Dan: [00:07:07] it's actually just starting right now, right? Yeah. People don't realize the reverberating effects of what COVID bring. It's not just like the health aspect of things. It is the. Unemployment aspect. It is the businesses that are going out of business right now. It's the brick and mortars.
They're just closing their doors and we don't know of what these effects are going to be for the next six, six months to a year so far. Be it for me to say, if we're going to be forecasting, then we have to make our moves now. Yeah, whatever moves you're gonna make, gotta make them now, because you don't want to be gay.
You don't want to get caught up if, if who knows what happens six months, eight months down the road. So it should be increasing action. 
Mike: [00:07:50] Yeah. So tell me about making moves, specifically about what you do with entrepreneurs, because intuitively, you think about entrepreneurs are Taipei's there, they're hardworking [00:08:00] guys.
There are gals, and. It sounds like, you're working with them to get fit because they tend to let the business consume them and then they don't work on these other areas. But tell me about some of the barriers that they have, that maybe you're helping them overcome as you work with them.
Dan: [00:08:15] Very there's very specific ones. So one, they are not to be compared to a regular nine to five person who works a corporate job punches in and punches out. They are dealing with extreme Leigh high levels of stress. They have to put extreme amounts of mental energy into their businesses from a creation aspect, from a management aspect from me, from dealing with all their.
Their cohorts and employees, and then it's still, they have to deal with everything that's happening in the family. They have family lives. So there's a very stark difference that I see with them. And yes, they are type a and I, for me, the reason I chose entrepreneurs is because I love working with type A's the same mentalities that they can bring from their businesses are the same [00:09:00] intelligence they can bring towards being healthier.
Now there is a mutually exclusive agreement that a lot of entrepreneurs have out there where they say that I must trade in my success for my body or my, I started my success for my business and I am a trade that with the health of my body. So they make this mutually exclusive agreement. they.
Succeed, I'm helping. the people I help are like the New York times bestsellers. They're the politicians. They are the, they're the people who are literally at the top of the, or fields. And they make this mutually exclusive agreement. Usually it's for about five to 10 years. And then afterwards that's when they come to me and they're like, all right, we need to start doing something about this.
Because, I actually talked about this before, that there are health warning signs out there. And if you're not heating these health warning signs, then you are just asking for it. It's like the check light sign that goes on in your car. it's like check engine, if you just totally ignore [00:10:00] that and you don't ask around, then guess what's going to happen to your car at that point.
So a lot of entrepreneurs that I work with, they're seeing these check engine lights, they're seeing that, number one, they can't even look down and. See their penis. Oh, that's one. Yeah. It's just that it's a bad thing. Come on guys. and the second thing, they don't have energy.
They are grinding energy. They are grinding energy for the business. And then when they get back home, they can do nothing, but just be just. On the couch, not doing anything, not even playing with their kids. The other ones are, like to get a little bit deeper with the penis thing. It's like they don't get erections in the morning.
Like I said, this on my Twitter. It's if you're not getting an erection in the morning, that's. A health warning sign. so there's a lot of these things that are happening and they're just like balancing it. It's like the guy who walks around with low back pain and he was like, I'm just going to live with this forever.
You're not. And when I started working with these guys and I started putting them onto what I [00:11:00] call like a mature eating style, start treating their bodies, like a mature adult. That's when they start to realize that health and also wealth. Are inextricably linked. So I've seen so many people that I've worked with.
So I'll give you a couple of examples. So I'm working with this New York times bestseller. He finished an entire biography of one of the biggest stars in human history. And he worked specifically worked cohort cohorted with him, completed the book during our time. He is, as he is as a. As not ruthless. I was going to say, but he's actually expanding his business now because he has the health.
He has the energy, he doesn't have the stress. And I have other people who just doubled their incomes, who just completely changed their businesses. I have by e-com guy where COVID hit them hard. And when we started working on this health, he actually had the mind to pivot and actually say this, and I know I'm going off on a tangent here, [00:12:00] but.
When you work out and when you take care of your health, it's not to look sexy. Yes. You want to look confident with your shirt off and all this kind of stuff. I get it. But what you are doing is you're changing your brain chemistry, right? You're not working out for your body as much as you are working out for your brain.
So when I see very fat entrepreneurs, We're crushing in their businesses. I'm like you could crush it three to four to five times more. If you just took care of your health. 
Mike: [00:12:31] I think that's a, that's an under, discussed point because I feel like, maybe in the spheres, I'm always like in Twitter, it's kinda like you, this like workout Twitter.
That's all about like just young guys picking up ladies. And it's I guess that's cool if that's what you want to do. I, that just let her 
Dan: [00:12:46] sweater. 
Mike: [00:12:46] Yeah. there is, I noticed that when I'm not working out, when I let my workout slump, you're mentally not as cognizant as you would be. you're not performing at the level.
And it's Yes. I want to look sexy. Yeah. I want to attract my wife. Yeah. I want to, it's but at the same [00:13:00] time, there's this whole benefit over here. That's not talked about enough 
Dan: [00:13:03] if the brain benefit is not even spoken when I talked to these entrepreneurs. So a lot of them say I just want to have more focus, and all this kind of stuff.
And even just going to the gym for an hour and lifting weights, you would not. You would not even believe the amount of ideas that comes when my clients do this. And when I do this as well, because what you're doing is you're literally sending endorphins into your body. So you're making yourself feel better, right?
You're sending these positive endorphins in the other thing is that it's actually proven by science that you are changing brain chemistry. You are making yourself less depressed. You are making yourself more focused. And a lot of the experiences that I have with clients actually, I'm helping this. I'm helping this guy who he's in New York and he was dealing with, these massive allergy [00:14:00] symptoms.
He was out of shape as well. He was, he had sleep apnea and. Just a couple of adjustments to his diet. We made a couple of, adjustments to his workouts and all this kind of stuff. He's actually telling me his energy went from a six out of 10 to an eight or nine out of 10 in one week. Just by being an adult with your body.
And then now he's starting to say that my wife or not his wife, but his girlfriend said to him is you're actually not snoring as much at night. As you were before. and again, now that he's going into his work, he actually does a startup. He says that he has more energy than he knows what to do with.
Yeah. He actually does not even know what to do with this energy. When he gets back from work, he wants to keep on working and actually telling us like, don't do that, please. but again, we have to make a corollary that. The workouts and taking care of your body is not just for looking sexy.
It's not just for your health or your physical health. It is for your [00:15:00] health. Yeah. And we'd have water as beef. 
Mike: [00:15:04] Yeah, no, that's good. it's funny. I have this like agreement with my brother in law, who we try to keep each other accountable for working out and I'm like, dude, if I ever text you or call you to like, complain about something, you just say, shut up.
Have you went for a run? Have you lifted some weights yet? Yes or no. Go do that. And then let's talk about the issue 
Dan: [00:15:22] you have. 
Mike: [00:15:23] And it's amazing. It's amazing how well that works. 
Dan: [00:15:25] You know what? It's something simple as walking in nature. Right? One of the things that, say one of my clients, actually the same client, he's dude, I am just so stressed.
And then that is where my allergies come in. And right now I'm not feeling as much stress, but it's still there. And I told him, I was like, okay, midday, we're going to take a walk in nature, 15, 20 minutes. You're not going to even touch your phone. And something as simple as that done on an everyday basis, he's telling me that dude, I feel a lot better.
I don't have my allergy symptoms as much, even though he's outside. and I just say [00:16:00] this, like every single time, it's it's not about being Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actually, I don't think the six pack should be the goal for everybody. I don't think aesthetics should be the goal for everybody, although they do count.
They're great. I believe the goal should be again, a brain, enhancing your brain, reducing stress and getting your body to a point of where we feel it is normal enough, or you can live a nice, energetic and healthy life. 
Mike: [00:16:28] Boom. That's it. okay. So obviously you work with the high end clients, right? So it's at the average, dad is listening to this.
Maybe they got young kids, maybe they're there they're either their employee or their entrepreneur. what are some practical first steps you say, Hey, wonder what three things they can do tomorrow. 
Dan: [00:16:43] So I'll give you four steps. Okay. So these are, this is actually what I call. It sounds so cliche, but it's called the abs sequence.
But if every time, if anyone just. Goes into the sequence. They are going [00:17:00] to get the results that they want. So the first one is going to be a, you need to assess where you are a lot of. Okay. So I always ask this question to fathers entrepreneurs. A lot of people I'm like, okay, so when's the last time you tracked your income?
They're like, I track it. I track it yesterday. I track it daily. So I was, so I put it back to them. Okay. When is the last time you tracked your weight? And then it's like silence. 
Mike: [00:17:27] So 
Dan: [00:17:27] why do you track a metric or your business? And you don't track a metric for your body? It doesn't make sense. So the first step is to assess where you are.
This means that on the first level, just track your weight on an everyday basis. On the second level, it means getting your measurements done, at least around your chest, your navel, around your hips and at ease. In the level is actually, so I had every single entrepreneur I work with. I get them to do a DEXA scan and a DEXA scan.
what a DEXA scan is. I don't know what that is. Actually. 
Mike: [00:17:58] No, 
[00:18:00] Dan: [00:18:00] for people that don't know when. When they step on their scales at home and they're getting a body fat percentage or whatever it is completely false. It's completely BS because what they're doing is something called bio impediments.
It's not accurate whatsoever. They're literally doing a measurement based on your weight and and stuff. It's not even anywhere close to being exact. So we know I need the most exact numbers coming back at us. And what a DEXA scan does. Is a DEXA scan is literally a snapshot of your fat and muscle and where you carry this.
So there's a number of like things that we look at, exactly located. So where are you predominantly carrying your body fat? Or a lot of them it's like their chest and not the chest. They actually had their chest and their stomach and we see exactly what. What's called like their Android to Ginder ratio and all this kind of stuff.
I'm not going to get detailed on the numbers, but it gives us a snapshot of what their health is. It's like from a body fat percentage. And personally, for me, I think body fat is one of the main determiners of how long you're going to be [00:19:00] living on this life. You don't need to be like 10%. You don't need to be 8%, but you do need to be at a normal level where you are going to be avoidant of most things, natural diseases.
So for me, to me, that's anywhere between 15 to 19%. All right. that's always the first goal for our clients. So we need to assess where we are. The second thing we need to do is actually find a natural way to burn the fat. So this would be the B from the ad sequence, and you want to find a natural way in which to eat.
So you can actually burn the fat and do so that fits your lifestyle. One of the things that we do with our clients is it's actually something that I don't see a lot of people doing. We have them find what is their natural rhythm of eating at least for fat loss. So a lot of times you're going to hear, you gotta do 1248, or you gotta do two deals a day and you gotta do OMAD or whatever it is, or, Oh man being like one meal a day.
and quite honestly, like all that stuff is overrated to the highest degree. What we do with our clients is [00:20:00] we put them on a very specific schedule that we feel fits their lifestyle, that we feel fits the work-life, especially, and also the life that they live at home. And it has to naturally fit.
If we don't do this upfront, then they're just going to be, pretty much swimming, upstream as we call it. So we put them on the schedule and then yet at the same time we don't leave them. There. We, you go through a seven to 14 day adaption period, and then that is going to tell you what's your true meal schedule looks like.
So it looks like this. If we put a, put someone on a, let's just say a 16, eight diet, 12 o'clock, four o'clock, eight o'clock we've had clients on that come back to us and be like, you know what, Dan, I want to push the first meal a little bit more up. Because I'm not hungry. We've got other clients that say, I need to have food at 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock or I'm going to be  going crazy.
Yes. And you have other clients who are like, I don't like the second meal. So there is a natural [00:21:00] schedule to how everyone eats that is natural to them, their own biology. And then once you find that we have clients coming back to us and say that, Hey. I'm losing weight. I'm dieting down. I'm eating great, but it doesn't, I'm not hungry.
so what did we have to realize about diet is dieting when you're losing weight is 50%, using the energy that's coming into your body. The other 50% is managing hunger and making sure it fits your actual lifestyle. All right. So that's burn. You want to burn the fat? The next one is built. So this is a, the second be in the ad system.
So is this the third step? A lot of people, especially entrepreneurs, they shoot themselves in the foot when they do diet and they do cardio at the same time, they need it. They try to make the right workouts about burning fat as much as possible, which is the opposite of what a workout should do the workout, especially for guys who are over the age of [00:22:00] 30, 35.
It should be primarily about getting stronger and building muscle. So we do this, we actually incorporate a workout. That's called power building. And depending on your level of expertise, we want to number one, make you strong. Number two, we want to make you look aesthetic and we want to keep as much muscle if not build muscle as much as possible throughout this process.
And I'll give you an example. So we did a DEXA scan for one of my clients. His name is Kyle. He does all the, the commercials for Nike, for TD all this places. And with Kyle, what happened was we dropped about, I think it was like 14 or 15% body fat, which is incredible in the 16 week timeframe, but also we increased his lean mass by a factor.
Of, I believe it was like 19 pounds of lean mass gain. Wow. Now is that little muscle, I don't know. you can't say that you gained 19 pounds of muscle 16 week timeframe. That is almost scientifically like [00:23:00] impossible, but what happened was his basal metabolic rate or his daily kind of like the way that he burns, it increased by a hundred, like a hundred calories.
Wow. That's incredible. So people make the mistake of trying to do cardio. On top of dieting to lose weight. We don't get our clients to do cardio at all, because we have to look at cardio as a stress as well. So when you do cardio, you start to increased cortisol. And for guys who are already like stressed the F out in their businesses and their families, why would you add more stress on top of that?
it is. I don't know. It's irresponsible. Whoever told them to do that. So we have to build muscle and we have to do it in a way that's safe. And I incorporate something that's called power building by, I call it like the lazy man's workout because literally when you get strong and when you're trying to work out for strength, you have to have long rest periods.
So we have clients, someone, some of them are on like three [00:24:00] exercises. That's it per day. And we had them just steady, really increasing their gains on that, the exercises. And that is enough for a lot of people when they're on a fat loss phase. And when it comes to muscle building is completely different.
Now, the last one, which is the S and the abs system it's called sustain, you need to understand sustainability. So everyone thinks that a diet is a lifestyle that is complete horse crap. Okay. Everyone's like a diet lifestyle. It should be a lifestyle I'm like, yeah, you have no clue about what you are even talking about, because that is as the platitude of pump latitude that is based on non education.
It's not even being educated. The thing is like you diet down to get to a lower level of body fat, to get yourself to a normal level of body fat, then you have to understand the other 50%, which is [00:25:00] understanding how to sustain it. So what people think is I just have to diet get myself down to a low weight and that's it.
I'm good. People don't understand that you have to, your body goes through metabolic adaptions, your hormones get affected. When you lose a big amount of weight. When you lose like 30, 40, 50 pounds off, you'd be like, your hormones are going to get jacked left. I don't want to get into like the details of these, but they are going to get jacked.
We have to gently bring you back to what we call. We have to do a diet recovery, and we have to make that we gently bring you back to the amount that you should be eating on a regular basis. So do you know about calories at all? 
Mike: [00:25:43] Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. I feel like that's a big point of discussion, especially with 
Dan: [00:25:48] it's a big one.
So I'll try to, I'll try to make it simple. It's Obviously you need to be taking in less calories than then you usually take in order to lose weight. And it takes about 3000 [00:26:00] calories to burn off a pound of fat. So when you do this for a long time, when you diet for a long time, and I say long anywhere between 12 to 20 weeks, w this will have a metabolic effect on your body.
If you try to eat the amount of food that you can eat. Okay. off of dieting. You're going to get that because you're, he has to gently get back. So we do something called diet recovery, and then afterwards we focus in on sustaining the weight loss and I, and this is a true stat, only two for some of the people who lose weight are actually able to keep it.
This is actually one of the reasons why I'm very expensive because I ask my clients this all the time. What would it actually cost you? To lose the 50 pounds and never have to worry about it for the rest of your life. And a lot of people are like, it's priceless, whatever it is, It is priceless because only 2% of people are able to do it.
So what we do after we die, recover, [00:27:00] we actually set new goals for each other. And we get maybe a little bit more deeper into muscle building. We do some things like I'm not going to get too deep. And so again, like body re comps and lean bulks and all this kind of stuff, but these are done in order to make sure that you're not always keeping yourself in a fat loss phase, that you understand that there has to be phases for muscle-building and all this kind of stuff.
And also it helps you eat more and it makes the diet. Yeah. Or it makes the eating style more sustainable because you're taking in more food. You're not denying yourself. and that is what the abs system is. Everyone actually took themselves through these four steps. they're not easy, very simple.
If they took themselves through these four steps, they would be a lot farther than what people are doing right now, which is like trying one thing, doing it for 30 days and just getting off of it. Going from one day to another trying every single bad out there, 
Mike: [00:27:52] yeah. And that's, I think that's a good point because there's a lot of, there's a lot of, dangerous to getting in that fat loss phase and staying in that longterm.
And then you're [00:28:00] not going to achieve the goals that you have, which is maybe say, Hey, I want to lose weight. Then I want to gain muscle. So then you're screwed that way. 
Dan: [00:28:06] Do you mind if I take you through the life cycle of so when someone does like a fad diet, let's just say they do Quito, Or whatever it is. I have nothing against Kito. I have nothing against IVF, but whatever, let's just say they do keto, they lose like 40 pounds. Then they think that keto is going to be the lifestyle that they have to live. So what happens when they have a week? Spot in their life and they're surrounded by carbs and all these foods, what happens when they eat, like one of those things right there, then they're going to gain.
Okay. they do that. They step on the scale. Okay. I gained back a pound that's okay. Yeah, whatever. Okay. And then, okay. The floodgates start to open a little bit. They start to eat a little bit more carbs. They realized that it wasn't part of their lifestyle whatsoever. That carbs are always going to be here.
So could they lose fat in a way that could actually incorporate these carbs, but no, they never learned how to eat carbs in the first [00:29:00] place. So the more carbs at the eat, because it's not sustainable, the more fat they gain and then they're back to where they were at the beginning, but with a worst metabolism with horrible, with pretty much, like I said before, jacked up hormones and a lack of education.
Yeah. And they're like, I just gained back my 40, that actually is even worse than not losing it at all. Because you're all 
Mike: [00:29:28] the whole, system's messed up at that point. 
Dan: [00:29:29] the whole system is messed up and then they just lose hope because they get there and they're like, I just gained back all this weight.
I did so much. And I took so much effort to get there. Now, gained it back now. Now what do I do? And they try to get back on that diet. It doesn't work as fast for them anymore. And then that's a lot of times that's when they call me or call someone else, but hopefully they call someone that actually knows that body transformation and dieting is a dangerous thing to the body.
It's [00:30:00] dangerous. And you can't, that's the reason I say that all my clients, you can't go Willy nilly into this. You can't do a diet and think you're going to get away. Scot-free. It will have an effect on your body and if you don't do it right, then you're going to be like everyone else. You can be like the 98% that are not able to keep it off.
Mike: [00:30:17] Yeah. Yeah. And then you lose hope and your things are messed up. Yeah. 
Dan: [00:30:22] You put, imagine the amount of so I do these calls with my clients. I'm always taking notes, despair. That's all. I that's a lot of what I hear. Cause they think that's always going to be the reality for them, which is false.
Yeah. Yeah. 
Mike: [00:30:35] Dan, thanks so much, man. I think this was extremely enlightening. I think it's an important topic. I think it's, a timely topic and I appreciate you sharing a lot of the wisdom with my listeners, man. 
Dan: [00:30:45] Yeah, dude, this was, this is fun. I hope you send me the recording cause I'm just going to be taking notes of everything.
I see. I don't know. This is you got silly out of me. It was like, this is actually part of the reason for I love Twitter. Because it brings all these thoughts out of me that would have normally been [00:31:00] inside. Exactly. 
Mike: [00:31:01] Exactly. Yeah. And that's what people resonate with. 
Dan: [00:31:03] yeah. And I appreciate you having me on man.
I appreciate it. I appreciate you being diligent and just keeping them following up and all that kind of stuff too. Yeah. Thanks. 
Mike: [00:31:12] So we get, you can find Dan on Twitter at fit. Founder is his username. And then where else can they find you? Dan? 
Dan: [00:31:19] They can find me@highperformancefoundr.com. Okay. I haven't even launched the site yet because we're still doing, we're still doing some stuff, but a high performance foundr.com is where you can find me.
That's where I'm going to be doing my articles. That's where I'm going to be doing my podcast and, and yeah, subscribe to the newsletter and can't wait to interact with, with you. Awesome. thanks, Dan. All right. Thank you. 

What is 2 Cent Dad Podcast?

Intentional fatherhood while living a life of purpose. Hosted by Mike Sudyk. www.2centdad.com