Good News for Today

Alabama meteorologist James Spann has found his passion in life. The longtime TV weatherman in Birmingham says that since he was a young boy he wanted to do what he’s had the opportunity to do for decades.
Spann can be seen every weekday in the Birmingham area and heard on radio across the United States.
Though he’s thankful he’s able to work a job he loves, he says he’s had to learn that one’s career is not all there is to life. He says he’s dealt with a season of life when he thought he was his number one priority but God has taught him otherwise.
Accoring to the Alabama Baptist, he says serving in the children’s ministry of his local church was one tool God used to change his heart.
He also points to his ministry in a local hospital.
Spann’s 19-year role as chair of the board of Baptist Medical Center Montclair, which moved and eventually became known as Grandview Medical Center, was something he never planned to do, but he knows God led him there.
It started by being asked to serve on the board for a couple of months. Since one of his jobs in life is to “mitigate loss of life during tornadoes,” he decided he could use the time to learn about trauma from the emergency room doctors. 
Spann says he spends several nights a week visiting hospital patients in between newscasts and, he says, he brings them better news than whether it’s going to rain tomorrow.
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is urging Congress to avoid the inclusion of funding for so called “gender transitions” in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
The act establishes policies, restrictions and other administration matters relating to the DOD.
The ERLC is also asking the agency to ensure that selective service is not expanded to include women.
The ethics group is also requesting that tax-payer dollars not be used to pay for abortion-related travel.
If you’re a medical professional, you can use your skills to do more than provide physical healing. Learn more at

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