Build Your Brave Career for Women in Tech

I returned to Yo Canny’s podcast Girl, Take the Lead to discuss the book Quit, The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, by Annie Duke.
Yo and I covered a lot of powerful topics about quitting, so our conversation is available in two parts. 

Feedback was so positive and powerful that we released these two episodes on the Build Your Brave Career podcast feed as well.

Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit with Nicole Trick Steinbach PART 1 of 2

Yo and I explored these themes:
  • The difference (and overlap) of Grit vs Quit
  • How intersectional identities impact Quit vs Grit
  • When women stay too long and a simple scale to identify if it is time for you too move on
  • The metaphor of ‘Whispers, Missals, & Bricks’ of being called to change 
  • The transformative power of the mindset “At the Moment Manager”

Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit with Nicole Trick Steinbach PART 2 of 2

Yo and I explored these themes:
  • Goals and outcomes, and how generations do it differently
  • Sunday Scaries and choosing to stress less
  • How I am a sorta “Quit Coach”
  • What kill criteria is and a story from my client
  • Yo’s amazing quote of being “In Love with my own Self-Importance”
  • Choosing the battles worth having for the growth you want
  • The infamous “Ant Story”
Yo’s top three takeaways are:
  1. In our culture we see grit as a virtue and quit as a vice. Per Annie Duke: “Success does not lie in sticking to things. It lies in picking the right thing to stick to and quitting the rest.”
  2. Any decision is made under some degree of uncertainty – we don’t have crystal balls and new information will always reveal itself.
  3. External validation increases the escalation of commitment. Fear of how others will view us if we quit is usually overblown.
My key takeaway is how important building the bravery to establish and then craft the habit of quitting -- places, relationships, habits, and jobs -- as a woman in tech is to ensuring that you never, ever quit yourself. Ever. 

Related Episodes:
  1. The book Quit has been so instrumental to me and my coaching clients, that I also created a related Build Your Brave Career podcast episode: The Brave Act of Quitting: Recognizing the Right Time to Walk Away from Goals
  2. Yo Canny was also a guest on my podcast, listen to her episode here: The Power of Personal Brands: Yo Canny’s Insights on Crafting a Compelling, Authentic Brand for Career Satisfaction E146
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What is Build Your Brave Career for Women in Tech?

Women in tech are just stressed out, overworked, overlooked, and underpaid, right? NOPE! Not around here. Around here we build the skill of bravery to stress less, work less, and then earn more as women in tech.

At this point in your career, you're more educated, skilled, and experienced than most of your colleagues, but you are also more stressed, working more, and are pretty sure you’re underpaid. And you are done accepting the status quo. You are ready to get what you’ve already earned and then grow your career even further…without burning out. You don’t know how you’re going to do it (yet!) but you suspect the process will require you to be braver.

Enter the Build Your Brave Career podcast.

Build Your Brave Career is the podcast to help you build the skill of bravery, one episode at a time, so you make the bold moves and big leaps required to craft a career of more impact and income... with less stress and overwork.

Tune in each week for a mix of guest conversations and solo episodes to learn how to build the skill of bravery. We explore the skill of bravery and the role it plays in your career and life including, stressing less, taking decisive action, working less, career growth, relationship building for career success, crafting purpose and fulfillment, salary increases and negotiations, overcoming obstacles, and sharing concrete tips and tricks for career satisfaction.

Your host, Nicole Trick Steinbach is the international bravery coach... but bravery is not something that has ever come naturally to her. Instead, she learned through success and failure how to develop and harness the skill of bravery to create an empowering, lucrative, and global career.

And it worked: Nicole is a former executive in the technology industry without a background in tech, has worked in over 25 countries while running transformational change projects, and is now at home in both the US and Germany.

Today Nicole is a certified and proven one-on-one coach who supports women around the world to build their brave careers, focusing on bespoke approaches for each client to stress, work less, and earn more.

To learn more about how you can build your brave, connect here:
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