The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

I Caved!

Show Notes

I CAVED!  I supplied Fascist Book with a redacted copy of my photo ID...Tried to see if I could access my account and now got this... "Your Account Has Been Disabled You can't use Facebook because your account, or activity on it, didn't follow our Community Standards. We have already reviewed this decision and it can't be reversed. To learn more about the reasons we disable accounts visit the Community Standards. ”   I go to “Community Standards” and there is a list...NOTHING specific about me and my FB page.  So! Music lists, recipes, lost pet posts are against “Community Standards”?  I’m really rethinking belonging to this community.  Lately, all I see is hate, hyperbole, hubris, hurt, pain, pornography, bad language, opinion expressed as fact, propaganda, name-calling and lack of civility to anyone that differs from HIVE MIND BORG THINK!  I offered up MY page, my music show as an oasis away from all that...and I’m the one doing things against community standards!  I’ll ask again, “WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN?” @The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show & Podcast...recorded and on Mixcloud, Player FM, Stitcher, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, and Pocket Cast, APPLE iTunes,  AND Google Play Music!  AND NOW ON MORNINGS IN CANADA!   Hamilton Co-Op Radio! Follow the show on TWITTER JimPrell@TMusicAuthority!  Are you listening?   June 5, 2020, Friday, act one of three…
Klaatu - Hope [Hope]
Mimi Betinis - Love Is Just A Thin Veneer
Tommy Gunn Band – Love
Partridge Family - I Think I Love You
@The Armoires - 03 McCadden [Zibaldone](Big Stir Records)
@The Legal Matters - - 04 Pull My String [Trapper Keeper E.P.] (Futureman Records)
Guided By Voices - 06 Cohesive Scoops [Warp And Woof]
Gail George - Amaranthine [Bloom]
@Paul Limb - Train to Tokyo [Film Noir]
England Dan and John Ford Coley - Nights Are Forever Without You
Ken Sharp - Underground [1301 Highland Avenue]
Evil Engines - I Need to Know
Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood
The Laissez Fairs - 05 Your Love or Hate [Marigold] (Rum Bar Records)
Kevin McGowan - Be Here Tonight [IPO Vol 11]
Little Billy Lost– Magdalena [Cocks Of The Walk – EP]
Christopher Thomas – Bring On The Rain

What is The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show?

The Music Authority bringing Power Pop, Rock, Soul, Rhythm & Blues to anyone and everyone who has courage, is brave enough to not follow the crowd, the masses (the “M” is always silent!), trusts in themselves enough to listen to SOMETHING completely DIFFERENT! How did I get here....I worked in radio since High School...WCSQ-FM, onto College at WOCC, to the professional commercial world WKFM, WOSC, WGES, WHEN, WRRB, WPCX, WMBO, WCSP, WMMB, WBVD, WIXC, WHKR. Over the years I noticed that music I enjoyed was not getting played and after leaving the industry for 13 years, I chose to come back and serve the music styles I enjoy and hopefully you will too! The biggest question being asked is "What format is The Music Authority?" And The Answer IS..."Whatever I want to play or whatever my friends and listeners ask for!”