Try Tank Podcast

In this episode Fr. Lorenzo talks with an expert on Gen Z to figure out what they are like and
how the church might meet them on their spiritual journey. From diversity (in many forms) to
“Adopt a Grandma,” it’s a deeper dive into the future of the church.

Antonin Ficatier

Anto has a portfolio career at the crossroad of entrepreneurship, youth culture, and academic
work. He co-founded Chinese Institute, today one of France's leading training centers dedicated
to teaching Chinese. Anto went to Business School in France, studied Economics in China, and
completed a Master's Degree in Christian Education at Princeton Seminary. He worked for 6
years with youth and young adults in Hong Kong and England, before joining YPulse (the world’s
best youth intelligence company) as the Director for Western Europe in 2022. His hope is to one
day finish his Ph.D. in experimental theology that he started a while back at the University of
Birmingham (UK). Originally from France, Anto lives in south London with his wife Jess and their
baby Leo.

Book mentioned:

Fight: How Gen Z Is Channeling Their Passion and Fear to Save America, By John Della Volpe

What is Try Tank Podcast?

The Try Tank Podcast is about innovation and the church