LADYPARTS: taking a wide view on women's health

Ladyparts host Andrea Muraskin called Libby Hopton to get some clarity on the debate concerning the origin of Endometriosis.

Show Notes

Endometriosis was identified almost 100 years ago. Over the years, multiple theories have been developed to explain how tissue similar to that of the uterine lining comes to implant in other parts of the pelvis. The origin of the disease is still a matter of disagreement at medical conferences and on social media alike.  

Libby Hopton is a research consultant in endometriosis and the founder of the Facebook support and information group Endometropolis, and a patient. While not a physician, she has evidence-based insider's view. After attending the Endometriosis Foundation of America conference in New York City, Ladyparts host Andrea Muraskin called Hopton to get some clarity on the debate, and how much it matters from a patient perspective. 

Related episode:
 One in Ten- Taking a Wide View on Endometriosis 
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What is LADYPARTS: taking a wide view on women's health?

To make informed decisions about our health, we have to break taboos against publicly discussing our basic bodily functions - and most perplexing symptoms. Ladyparts takes a wide view, attempting to bridge the divide between mainstream medicine and holistic healthcare, and consider all of our options.