The Context Podcast

In today's episode, Todd and I talk about Claris Engage 2020. Here's a partial list of the topics: WebEx, JavaScript, Panels, Auto-enter, JavaScript, JS learning path, add-ons, low-code, pro-code, and no-code.

Show Notes

Claris Engage 2020 is over, but the good times and reminiscing is not. We at Geist Interactive are still celebrating the event with a once-in-a-year 20% off Sale. Check it out.

Todd spoke in two sessions. His first was on JS and Add-ons. His second was a panel about add-ons. They're found in the Claris Academy
The Solving FM Use Cases with JavaScript on-demand sessions (9 videos) is up now in the Claris Academy. Find "Engage On-Demand" and click on the "Integration" section.

Stephen Dolenski and Steven H. Blackwell 's paper called: The NEw Add-on Feature: Caveats, Cautions, and Nuances 1.0.1 . There's a lot of great info here about what to consider.

What is The Context Podcast?

This podcast is about workplace innovation through technology, with a special focus on Claris FileMaker and the Claris Community.