A Light to the Nations

You know what he said. So what are you doing here?

In the Gospel of Luke, the women go to the tomb and do not find Jesus; they meet two men who remind them what Jesus said; they remember what he said; and they go and report all to the eleven and all the rest. The “all” here refers to everything Jesus said while he was still with them. The phrase “he is not here; he is risen” is not found in all manuscripts; as such, its addition may be understood as a clarifying statement. In Luke, the solution is not the resurrection per se, but the reaffirmation of what Jesus had been teaching throughout the gospel, specifically about the suffering of the Son of Man. As Son of Man, Jesus is first and foremost a teacher. And although in the Gospel of Luke, there is a literary movement pointing towards his return in glory, as hearers we are commanded not to get excited about it. Yes, there is a kingdom ahead, and judgment. But until it comes, the thing to do is await it patiently and continue to hear and obey all the teacher said while he was still with us. 
Join me in a discussion of Luke 8:49-56.

Luke 16:31; 21:27; 24:6-7, 27
Ezekiel 6:1-4
ἀναλήμψεως (analēmpseōs) - ascension 

“Brand New Orleans” performed by Prince.

What is A Light to the Nations?

A Light to the Nations is a bi-weekly podcast examining all parts of the biblical story from a functional perspective. Instead of asking what words means, we consider instead their function, i. e., how they are used in other parts of the Bible. In each episode will discuss the functionality of words and how that allows us hear the teaching.