
Doug is an executive leadership coach and author of the book "Taking About Smart Risks." We discuss what it means to lead with love without losing your edge and how companies can become more effective by adding the feminine wisdom of psychology and spirituality.

Show Notes

Show notes: 

    2:40 - How Doug got his nickname "Guoder" :) 
    5:00 - Doug discusses his evolution and strength as an executive coach 
  10:00 - Consumerism and how it affects our happiness
  17:00 - Letting go and happiness
  19:50 - Hierarchy of needs, evolution, and capitalism
  22:50 - Polarities and the middle way 
  27:00 - Doug's method of 'flat tire' coaching and being the 'coach of last resort'
  32:30 - Role of vulnerability in the workplace
  42:50 - The effects of 2020 and what the future looks like
  55:00 - Respecting Earth and impact of behavior 
1:01:00 - Facade of separateness and individualism
1:05:00 - Knowledge vs. wisdom
1:09:00 - Listening 

What is Connection ?

What started as a space to discuss health and spirituality topics expanded into interviews around health, culture, policy, and current events with those bold enough to tell the truth. Truth connects us all and I'm here to talk about it.