The Missions Pastor Podcast

Today’s conversation is with Robin Popplewell. Robin is the missions pastor at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee. Englewood Baptist sees church planting as a central focus of its missions work - both domestically and globally. Robin share why this important and the lessons they've learned along the way

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First, everything in church planting hinges on prayer. You can’t be effective in sharing the Gospel if God doesn’t open the right doors. And you can’t walk through those doors if you aren’t truly listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying.
Second, look for the right people and ask them about becoming involved. So often, people are waiting for someone to ask for them before they take that first step.
And finally, learn to lead from the back. Provide oversight and advice, but remember that the Holy Spirit within you is the same Holy Spirit in the people in your church who are being called to become part of your church planting program.

Learn more about Englewood Baptist Church
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What is The Missions Pastor Podcast?

Welcome to The Missions Pastor Podcast, presented by OneChild. OneChild is a global community of Child Champions that serves children in poverty so they can discover hope and reach their God-given potential. We believe that the local church has the message of Hope that the world desperately needs to hear. And in every episode, we highlight churches, pastors, and ministries who are working to bring that HOPE to hard places.