Gaming the System

In this episode of the Game Quitters Podcast we answer the top questions from an exclusive Q&A thread for the StopGaming Reddit community. Questions answered include whether low self-worth is related to gaming addiction, the impact of psychological associations to our bedroom play after we quit, how to push through the void in our identity left by quitting games, whether gaming has an affect on our social interactions, whether we should minimize our time with gadgets and technology in general, and if constantly checking our mobile devices has an impact on our mental capacities. Jason also gives us an update on his 90 day detox. If you enjoy the episode, please like, subscribe, and share it on social media.

Show Notes

In this episode of the Game Quitters Podcast we answer the top questions from an exclusive Q&A thread for the StopGaming Reddit community. Questions answered include whether low self-worth is related to gaming addiction, the impact of psychological associations to our bedroom play after we quit, how to push through the void in our identity left by quitting games, whether gaming has an affect on our social interactions, whether we should minimize our time with gadgets and technology in general, and if constantly checking our mobile devices has an impact on our mental capacities. Jason also gives us an update on his 90 day detox. If you enjoy the episode, please like, subscribe, and share it on social media.

What is Gaming the System?

Part of the Game Quitters network, GTS brings you everything you need to know about video game addiction, and how people have changed their lives after overcoming it.

Each week we cover a range of topics from industry news and surprise mechanics to companies fighting back against gaming disorder.