The Run Smarter Podcast

The Run Smarter Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 171 Season 1

(Part 1) Debunking Leg Length Discrepancy


Brodie dives into a 2005 review paper by Gary A Knutson titled: 'Anatomic and functional leg-length inequality: A review and recommendation for clinical decision-making'. In part 1 of this 2 parter, Brodie will talk about: The prevalence of leg-length difference: How common is it amongst the population, and out of those with a leg difference, what is the average in discrepancy? The effects of lower leg discrepancy: If one were to have a difference in leg length, does this lead to pain? Does it lead to postural defects? What are the compensations that are occurring?  How much of a lower leg difference is clinically significant? If someone where to present with pain, dysfunction and disability due to different leg lengths, how large does the difference need to be?  Brodie then summarises the episode and includes his perspective on the relevance within the running community.  Become a patron! Receive Run Smarter Emails Book a FREE Injury chat with Brodie Run Smarter App IOS or Android  Podcast Facebook group Run Smarter Course with code 'PODCAST' for 3-day free trial.

Show Notes

Brodie dives into a 2005 review paper by Gary A Knutson titled: 'Anatomic and functional leg-length inequality: A review and recommendation for clinical decision-making'.
In part 1 of this 2 parter, Brodie will talk about:
  1. The prevalence of leg-length difference: How common is it amongst the population, and out of those with a leg difference, what is the average in discrepancy?
  2. The effects of lower leg discrepancy: If one were to have a difference in leg length, does this lead to pain? Does it lead to postural defects? What are the compensations that are occurring? 
  3. How much of a lower leg difference is clinically significant? If someone where to present with pain, dysfunction and disability due to different leg lengths, how large does the difference need to be? 
Brodie then summarises the episode and includes his perspective on the relevance within the running community. 

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Expand your running knowledge, identify running misconceptions and become a faster, healthier, SMARTER runner. Let Brodie Sharpe become your new running guide as he teaches you powerful injury insights from his many years as a physiotherapist while also interviewing the best running gurus in the world. This is ideal for injured runners & runners looking for injury prevention and elevated performance. So, take full advantage by starting at season 1 where Brodie teaches you THE TOP PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME ANY RUNNING INJURY and let’s begin your run smarter journey.