Product People

How do you make a name for yourself, and your product?

Show Notes

How do you make a name for yourself, and your product?

That’s the question we posed to Brennan Dunn.  It seemed like almost overnight he was everywhere: blog posts on Hacker News, popping up in my Twitter stream, and promoting a new product for consultants called Planscope. In this episode we delve into how he made this happen: we asked him how he got his start in products, how he promoted himself, and what Latin has to do with all of this.

  • “Businesses value [services] more than consumers, because [time lost] is literally costing them money.” – Brennan Dunn
  • “Listen to what people, who have a financial interest, are complaining about!” – Brennan Dunn
  • It’s clear that Brennan’s real advantage is that he’s passionate about his customers: he honestly wants to make their lives better.
  • “People don’t buy software, they buy outcomes” – Brennan Dunn
Show notes

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Creators & Guests

Justin Jackson
⚡ Bootstrapping, podcasting, calm companies, business ethics. Co-founder of @transistorfm (podcast hosting).

What is Product People?

A podcast focused on great products and the people who make them