80/20 with ParetoHealth

In this episode, we go over the phenomenon of medical inflation and what parts of the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to rising medical costs – as well as what self-insured employers can do about it.

Then we chat with Brian Olsen of Sterling Seacrest Pritchard (SSP) to talk about his deep, committed relationship with self-funding and why that means we need a dating site for SIIA members. He shares one great insight about the often-misunderstood relationship between high claims and self-funded plans that you won’t want to miss.

Finally, we discuss one knucklehead move that too many brokers use in a feeble attempt to contain costs. It’s the epitome of short-term thinking. Is your broker guilty of this particular howler?

What is 80/20 with ParetoHealth?

Health insurance, dissected. It’s a take-no-prisoners journey into the heart of health insurance co-hosted by two of its major disruptors. The Andrews (Cavenagh and Clayton of ParetoHealth) give you fresh insights and perspectives. Join them in their conversations with guests who are also transforming an antiquated industry and reshaping the way employers select and implement healthcare benefits.