The Shema Podcast for the Perplexed

During our Pesach Seder, we recounted the story of our redemption, starting with our suffering in Egypt, leading to our cries to Hashem, and ultimately to Him guiding us to freedom. However, we must ask ourselves why He placed us in Egypt to begin with. What was it about our time in Egypt that was a necessary prerequisite to achieve freedom? What does freedom really mean? In this episode, I am absolutely delighted to welcome my new dear friend and Rabbi, Morty Roth, so he can share his deep insights into the answers to these questions.

Morty Roth references several books during our conversation.   If you are interested in obtaining these books I have provided links to where you can buy.

Covenant & Conversation by Jonathan Sacks
Pebbles of Wisdom From Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

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What is The Shema Podcast for the Perplexed?

A Baal Teshuva shares Torah insights, intertwined through personal stories and interviews with leading Torah Scholars to demonstrate the empowering qualities of Torah and mitzvot.