meeting your soul

Are you feeling stress, unable to sleep, experiencing relationship conflict, chronic anxiety, or even difficulty managing frustration? These are all indications that your nervous system is dysregulated, so here are 5 steps that I follow each time I’m feeling out of whack. 
How to regulate your nervous system based on neuroscience
  1. Breath + feel: Where are you feeling this within your body? What reaction is occurring on a visceral level?
  2. 30-90 second rule: When you experience something neuroscientists explain there is an initial biochemical and electrical surge that lasts 30 to 90 seconds when your unconscious and conscious mind is adjusting and processing the incoming information. This is when we tend to react impulsively, so waiting that out can allow your higher cognitive reasoning to come into the picture. 
  3. Reflect: Cognitive psychology research shows that one of the most effective methods for reducing stress is to engage in self-reflection directed toward appraising it as a challenge rather than a threat. Shift your perspective on a situation, allow your self time to view the situation from a more logical stance. 
  4. Move your body: Exercise reduces levels of the body's stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators.
  5. Express: Whether you are sculpting, painting, drawing, or simply doodling, the act of creating something can help you clear your mind and find a sense of calm. Creativity can also be a great way to express emotions and cope with difficult feelings, helping you to feel more balanced and centered. 

What is meeting your soul?

This podcast was designed to empower others to dive into their self-discovery journey by sharing my struggles and triumphs as I have perused a deeper connection to my own heart. I’ll share tips and tools for embodying love, authenticity and soulful confidence. My goal to create a community that openly discusses wellness in a holistic sense. Let’s work together to find harmony within our mind, body and spirit through ancient texts, somatic practices and positive psychology techniques.

I’m so happy you’re here – I love you already!

I would love to hear about your story, feel free to reach out on my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also connect with me directly on Instagram @ferrahchino.