We Have Fun

We’re getting right into it today, no pussyfootin’ around. Why do animals come out of the womb with all the answers, but humans have zero useful instincts? Is being a garbage person really so bad in the grand scheme? The Fellas turn to Missed Connections for answers and are confronted by a terrible misfortune. We bear witness to a new, disgusting addition to the lexicon, as well as a new notch on the Wack/The Balls scale. Finally, some truths between Kbou and Dangle are laid bare. Still friends, though. We have fun.

What is We Have Fun?

We Have Fun is a weekly podcast hosted by longtime friends Doug McGlynn and Kevin Cross. Join us as we dish out a hot take or two, pick some fun hills to die on, and try to navigate this world- getting crazier by the day.