Sounds Like These by ICMP London

Welcome to Sounds Like These (previously known as The Interview Series), a number of conversations between Lara Magnelli, a member of the Marketing team at ICMP, and a variety of guests from the music industry. From producers to marketers, to music supervisors and session musicians, Lara has been asking them about the music business, their work experiences, their career paths, and most of all about their top tips to succeed in such an industry.

Original music by Lasse Corus (ICMP BA Creative Musicianship alum).

Show Notes

Welcome to the Interview Series, a number of conversations between Lara Magnelli, a member of the Marketing team at ICMP, and a variety of guests from the music industry. From producers to marketers, to music supervisors and session musicians, Lara has been asking them about the music business, their work experiences, their career paths, and most of all about their top tips to succeed in such an industry.

Original music by Lasse Corus (ICMP BA Creative Musicianship alumnus)

What is Sounds Like These by ICMP London?

Sounds Like These is an informal, insightful, and inspiring conversation with a variety of music industry professionals: from songwriters, producers, composers, and session players to people working in music for film, TV, and games, record labels, PRs, music charities, and more. Discussing their careers, showbiz anecdotes, as well as matters of equality, diversity, and inclusion in the music business and beyond, with a common denominator at heart: their devotion to music.