The Revenue Lab

Show Notes: Episode with Bruce Brotine
Hello, hello, everyone! Hope you're all doing fantastic! Thanks for tuning in to another awesome episode. We've got a fantastic guest today—Bruce Brotine from Veebra. Bruce is here to share some incredible insights, so let's dive right in!
Meet Bruce Brotine
Bruce Brotine is the head of Sales and Partnerships at Veebra, a seed-stage startup that's been making waves since 2018. They officially went to market in 2022 and already have a million active users monthly. Veebra provides a range of benefits through employers, financial institutions, and gig partners, supporting around a million Americans right now. Impressive, right?
Journey at Veebra
Bruce joined Veebra three years ago, and he shared the evolution of their value proposition. Initially focused on upselling life insurance, they quickly pivoted based on user feedback. Now, Veebra is a benefits-as-a-service platform offering over 40 benefits at just a dollar a week. No open enrollment or waiting periods—simple, straightforward, and exactly what their users wanted.
Listening to Users
A key takeaway from Bruce’s chat is the importance of listening to your users. Veebra constantly engages with their users through surveys and direct communication, boasting a 4.9 rating on the App Store. Bruce emphasizes the mission-driven nature of Veebra, aiming to better the lives of their users by understanding and meeting their real needs.
Partnerships vs. Sales
Bruce also delved into the nuances between partnership outreach and traditional B2B sales. While both are problem-solution oriented, partnerships require a win-win mindset and a deep understanding of the partner’s core business and KPIs. Bruce’s approach involves thorough research, sometimes using financial statements for public companies or social media insights for private ones.
The Role of AI and Data
AI plays a crucial role in Bruce’s strategy, especially in speeding up research and outreach. However, he stresses the importance of the human element in sales and partnerships. Data-driven decisions are pivotal, with Veebra constantly tweaking their approach based on performance metrics and feedback.
Proactive Approach and Flexibility
Bruce shared how Veebra stays ahead by being proactive and adapting their messaging to current events and trends. For instance, their outreach for employers is tailored to the back-to-school season, while gig and financial services messaging responds to recent political changes. Flexibility and a willingness to pivot are key in their approach.
Final Thoughts
This episode is packed with insights on user engagement, the importance of storytelling in sales, and the effective use of AI and data. Bruce’s approach to partnerships and sales is both strategic and adaptable, making it a must-listen for anyone in the B2B space.
If you want to reach out to Bruce, you can email him at or connect with him on LinkedIn. He’s always happy to have a conversation!

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