Business is Human

"I thrive in a challenging environment where I have to learn new things. If I'm not able to learn and implement new things, it's a challenge for me to stay in that space.”

In this insightful conversation, Rebecca Fleetwood Hession and Rebekah Rush explore the journey of personal and professional growth, highlighting the importance of aligning expectations, finding fulfillment, and embracing change. They discuss the challenges of staying true to oneself in a nine-to-five job, the responsibility of individuals to find their fit within an organization, and the pursuit of time freedom, meaningful impact, and continuous learning.

Focusing on change management, they emphasize the need for holistic approaches, considering the interplay between systems, culture, and technology to drive successful transformations. This engaging dialogue offers valuable lessons and perspectives on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of work and personal fulfillment.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  1. The importance of aligning your work with your personal values and aspirations
  2. The challenges and rewards of embracing neurodiversity
  3. The transformative power of authenticity and self-discovery

Things to listen for:
[07:30] Rediscovering your true self and pursuing authenticity
[13:15] Navigating expectations, role conflicts, and the path to personal fulfillment
[27:00] Balancing time, impact, and growth
[36:10] Embracing change with The Everly Agency

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What is Business is Human?

We need a new definition of success—one that harmonizes meaning and money.

Imagine diving into your workday with renewed energy, leaving behind the exhaustion or dread of a monotonous grind.

Traditional beliefs about success and the root cause of burnout are the same:
Prove yourself.
Work harder.
Take care of the business, and it will take care of you.

We’re recycling the mindset and practices that keep us stuck. Our souls need a jumpstart into The Age of Humanity.

Tune in for a new way of working that honors our nervous system and the bottom line, using knowledge of the brain, the Bible, and business. We’ll discuss timeless truths that amplify growth, ignite change, and reshape the world of work. No corporate speak or business BS. Let’s get to the heart of a rewarding career and profitable growth.

We speak human about business.

What’s in it for You?

Value, Relevance, and Impact (VRI): No, it's not a new tech gadget—it's your ticket to making your work genuinely matter to you and your company.

Human-Centric Insights: We prioritize people over profits without sacrificing the bottom line. Think less "cog in the machine" and more "humans helping humans."

I'm your host, Rebecca Fleetwood Hesson, your thrive guide leading you into the new Age of Humanity. I’ve navigated the highs and lows of business and life, from achieving over $40 million in sales, teaching thousands of people around the world about leadership, trust, execution, and productivity to facing burnout, divorce, raising a couple of great humans (one with ADHD), and navigating the uncertainty of starting a business.

I’m committed to igniting change in the world by jumpstarting business into profitable growth with the timeless truths of our humanity.

Sound crazy? It’s only crazy until it works.

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Want insight and advice on your real career and business challenges? Connect with me on social media or email me at Your story could spark our next conversation.