RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

  Self-compassion is such an important piece to your emotional and mental wellbeing. It is also a foundational piece to elevating your own self-worth, but so many people struggle with speaking kindly and nicely to their own self. As a high achiever or even a perfectionist, there’s this urge to constantly want to push yourself and it can sometimes feel ‘icky’ to give yourself any sort of praise when you’ve reached (or almost reached) the finish line.    When you’re going through any sort of loss, grief, or drastic transition that you’re not in control of, self-compassion plays a critical role in getting you out of it and into a better place. If we are constantly criticizing ourselves, our internal wellbeing takes a big hit, and combine that with your negative life circumstances, then depression and procrastination might set in.     You should not beat yourself up for not getting over something quickly. Everyone has their journey and sometimes those emotions will come back and affect you even years later. The importance is to feel through those emotions and to use self-compassion to soothe your internal self and reassure it that everything will be okay. No matter what, you are resilient. You can face whatever unknown challenge that’s coming your way.    Continue Your Growth Journey: Kaminiwood.com  

Show Notes


Self-compassion is such an important piece to your emotional and mental wellbeing. It is also a foundational piece to elevating your own self-worth, but so many people struggle with speaking kindly and nicely to their own self. As a high achiever or even a perfectionist, there’s this urge to constantly want to push yourself and it can sometimes feel ‘icky’ to give yourself any sort of praise when you’ve reached (or almost reached) the finish line. 


When you’re going through any sort of loss, grief, or drastic transition that you’re not in control of, self-compassion plays a critical role in getting you out of it and into a better place. If we are constantly criticizing ourselves, our internal wellbeing takes a big hit, and combine that with your negative life circumstances, then depression and procrastination might set in.  


You should not beat yourself up for not getting over something quickly. Everyone has their journey and sometimes those emotions will come back and affect you even years later. The importance is to feel through those emotions and to use self-compassion to soothe your internal self and reassure it that everything will be okay. No matter what, you are resilient. You can face whatever unknown challenge that’s coming your way. 


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What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly