
k/talks Trailer Bonus Episode 8 Season 1

Female Digital Affirmation

Female Digital AffirmationFemale Digital Affirmation


A conversation with Jelisaveta Lazarevic

Show Notes

(Episode is in Serbian)

In this episode, I sit down with Jelisaveta Lazarevic, project leader at AFA (Association for Female Affirmation - All for all), leading the project of women's digital literacy. We are looking into reasons why a staggering 54% of women qualify as digitally illiterate and what AFA is doing to change this trend. We also discuss the global challenge of having disproportionally fewer girls interested in STEM education, compared to the number of boys and, more alarmingly, compared to the number of girls interested in STEM below the age of 10. You may learn more about AFA's activities by contacting them via email (office@afa.co.rs) or looking them up on social media.

What is k/talks?

Big small conversations. A place where we discuss interesting topics, recent and evergreen, big things and small. We live in a complex, fast-moving, and ever-accelerating world. To slow it all down and work through the complexities, we engage in the simple art of conversation with our friends from business, technology and arts.