A revolutionary smell-killing product gets the Fuckin’ Eh seal of approval, a priest gets a little too comfortable on a flight and gets sued, do we have too many lawyers in the world now? A man settles a lawsuit after being fooled into believing Ginger Ale has medical benefits… Dan falls for buying fake money in a video game with real money, then, arm your children, guard the doors, an exorcism is going down. Watching Kardashians makes you more of an a-hole, science agrees, and the gents take a dive into a community on reddit that is likely made up of liars who lie their lying asses off, and also cast spells. Intro: MF Doom "Arrow Root" Outro: Brockhampton "If You Pray Right" fnehpodcast@gmail.com Twitter/Insta @Fuckinehpodcast
A revolutionary smell-killing product gets the Fuckin’ Eh seal of approval, a priest gets a little too comfortable on a flight and gets sued, do we have too many lawyers in the world now?
A man settles a lawsuit after being fooled into believing Ginger Ale has medical benefits… Dan falls for buying fake money in a video game with real money, then, arm your children, guard the doors, an exorcism is going down.
Watching Kardashians makes you more of an a-hole, science agrees, and the gents take a dive into a community on reddit that is likely made up of liars who lie their lying asses off, and also cast spells.
Intro: MF Doom "Arrow Root"
Outro: Brockhampton "If You Pray Right"
Twitter/Insta @Fuckinehpodcast
A couple of long-time friends dive into a weekly collection of stories from the craziness of the news, culture, and their own lives.🍁