The Lesley Riddoch Podcast

It's back tae auld claes and porridge fir Pat and it's back frae the SNP annual conference fir Lesley.
However we begin with the damning Grenfell Inquiry report detailing the systematic dishonesty of companies, neglect and disregard of local and national governments- Labour ,Tory and LibDem/Tory.
The SNP conference saw feisty motions passed from the floor on matters such as creating and implementing a Land Tax. But will it be the same old story of a party leadership too stuck in its centralising ways, and too timid to challenge Westminster "supremacy", to implement these as government policy?
Shona Robinson outlined the £500 million cuts to Scottish spending plans. She laid the blame, correctly, at the feet of the new Labour government. However should she have been bolder in declaring precisely what an independent Scotland could do if it had full control of all its resources and fiscal powers? Could she also have taken steps to introduce those tax and spending options suggested by groups like Commonweal and the STUC?
Lesley has been arguing for a complete reform of Scotland's overly centralised local government system for years. September the 9th sees the launch of Building a Local Scotland.
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What is The Lesley Riddoch Podcast?

Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat Joyce. If you like intelligent, quirky chat about Scottish society and culture, and Scottish, UK and international politics analysed from a Scottish perspective; this podcast is for you.