In All of Us Command

In All of Us Command is a new podcast where we learn about countries and their national anthems. We will be drawing each new country out of a hat and taking turns researching them. We'll continue on through the modern history of Palestine since World War 1 in this episode, and finally get a chance to talk about their anthem, Fida'i.

Show Notes

For episode 16, we keep trying to untangle the history of Palestine, this time focusing on only a century rather than a gigayear. It's still somehow the longer episode, an incredibly tangled mess of contradicting political promises and irresponsible maneuvering. Stick through it to learn about one of the world's oldest living trees and the excellent anthem, Fida'i.

Hummus recipe:
(full disclosure: we ordered hummus from a local restaurant, this is not the hummus we ate for the episode)

Anthem versions assessed:


Main sources used:

What is In All of Us Command?

In All of Us Command is a show about countries and their national anthems. Each week, the hosts will draw a country at random and learn about their history and the history of their anthem. We will listen to the songs and rate them on several criteria.

Join our hosts, Aaron and Kate, as they learn how very little they know about the world outside of Canada.