Learning Driven Development

What would you tell your younger self if you could tell them how to write better code? What would your younger self tell you now?

Brent's Github: https://github.com/brendt
Stitcher.io: https://stitcher.io/newsletter/subscribe
Article Link: https://stitcher.io/blog/i-dont-code-the-way-i-used-to

Keep creating.

📹 **Watch My VSCode Setup Video:**  https://youtu.be/uoqhrFRuRF4

🎓 **Make VSCode Awesome – Caleb Porzio's Course (support me with this link):** https://gumroad.com/a/636621331

What is Learning Driven Development?

The Learning Driven Development Podcast (LDD Pod) is hosted by Josh Cirre and features a variety of content by amazing authors throughout the web. It's a series where Josh gets the incredible opportunity to read, learn, and share with YOU articles, blogs, documentation, stories, or other forms of written content that exist in the tech space.

At the end of each episode, Josh will share his observations and learnings and (probably) ramble about the topic we read together.