Sacred Heart Valley - GOTC Podcast

I had a walk this morning and I asked the trees  , the rock , and the water  what would you like me to share in the connection today. 
Immediately I saw the “Heart Bling Bling”. 

In the connect today, we had so many beautiful insightful.

We connected Heart with crystals, gemstones and rocks.

A lot of the time we read, google and listen to people about which crystals do what.  This connect we let our body and heart connect to the crystals, gemstones and rocks and sharing their experiences and we got so much insightful information sharing. 

Andrea shared her crystals is “The edge is smooth”.  

I heard it very clear and I brought to the fore-front.

Most of the time we feel the edge is edgy! 

We dropped in deeper to feel and I feel the subtle shifting around all of us.  

We had a returned member joined the connect today and she brought into a life conversation with crystals. It was my eye opening with how connected the crystals and her as she is very unwell and today she showed up and shared her crystals knowledge (unconventional knowledge) for us. The crystals are constantly healing her energetically as I could see but body layers are too heavy. But I still asked her to connect deeper even everyday she is experiencing different pain as her HSP has already heightened.

We also learn Crystals are also inside our body as our host is the temple of living water.  As we clear our body also clear the crystals and therefore we do not need to have physical crystals. 

We ended the connection with beautiful consciously connect to the crystals with our heart.

As the feedback I received, my voice isn’t clear as overlapping with the music (my laptop does that sometimes) I was sharing dropping into heart what’s love in your heart.

You can try too.

Be silent as you sit somewhere, close your eyes, and fall back into your heart, and remember the moments when you did feel 'in love', even if briefly. As you shift your attention from outside to inside, and relax into your body, you will always find love alive vibrating delicately and gently in your heart. Love is a 'state', an intrinsic quality that resides within the being; 
Love is The State of Being and Love is not an Emotion. At the moment of disconnection what you are experiencing is a rise in your level of emotions. 

And you will have noticed how that surge or wave of emotion instantly and utterly obscures all loving feelings and loving vibrations. 
Love is not to be a part of your emotions.  Love has to be an expression of your being, not an emotion. 
Emotion is very fragile, very changing. One moment it seems that is all. Another moment you are simply empty. 
So the first thing to do is to take love out of this overwhelming emotions. 

Love is not overwhelming. 

On the contrary, Love is a tremendous insight, clarity, sensitivity, awareness. 

With the song as meditation, the heart and the crystals connection is somewhat beyond the traditional or
conventional understanding as I aware that crystals sitting through different way and ONLY you know how to receive it through the heart and body. 

There are so many gifts that abound around us can help us to nurture, uplift and out love through our heart It is learning to observe and understand deeply that the ordinary can in fact contain the extraordinary—if we are willing to look through the eyes of love and awe. 

This awareness allows us to become a part of the wondrous and mystical elements of life with deep reverence and gratitude—creating the space for love in action.

What is Sacred Heart Valley - GOTC Podcast?

Sacred Heart Valley is a Heart Conscious Valley. In another word, it is a Heart Healing Valley. Imagine you arrive here in the community, you are welcome, but a community member and you feel so familiar with this person, and you feel you have known this person for aeons. You do not know what you are here, but it has its magnetism and feeling the remembrance of returning home, returning to your body and returning to your heart and unit with you soul. In Sacred Heart Valley, we share our voice through gathering, deep listening to you and your heart, witness your growth and your journey. We celebrate and cheer you. We are multiple passionate people. We cover Celestial Healings, Alchemical Work of Transmute and Transformation, we use Light Language for healing and protection, we have higher sense of perception for all things. We journey life in simple, ease and smooth (SES) way and by Self - Designed Life and not by default. We are creative Business Entrepreneurs and understand Masculine Structure and Feminine Thrive. We harmonise Femininity and Masculinity Principles. We honour each other and build intimate relationships. Last but not least, we do Celestial Light Codes and anchor on earth for The Works and for our next kins.