Quiz and Hers

This week’s episode is all about trivia related to the North African nation of Tunisia. It has the worst title in Q&H history, but some of the most fun discussions: we talk about ancient history, a completely insane Olympic sport, and Star Wars!

Show Notes

This week’s episode is all about trivia related to the North African nation of Tunisia. It has the worst title in Q&H history, but some of the most fun discussions: we talk about ancient history, a completely insane Olympic sport, and Star Wars!

1:46: Q1 (Times & Places): With its eponymous capital located in modern-day Tunisia, what ancient empire, which controlled large portions of Northern Africa and the Mediterranean, was finally defeated by Rome in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC?

9:07: Q2 (Arts & Literature): The troubled young Lord Sebastian Flyte is alienated from his family, but finds a measure of peace in a Tunisian monastery far from his ancestral home, in what 1945 Evelyn Waugh novel?

15:57: Q3 (Sports & Games): Tunisia won two gold medals at the 2012 Olympics, in the men’s marathon swim, and in this women’s 3000 meter race, which shares its name with an equestrian event.

24:32: Q4 (Everything Else): What is the term for the wide-ranging protests and demonstrations throughout the Middle East from 2010-2012, which began in Tunisia, and spread throughout the region?

29:25: Q5 (Music): On the first anniversary of the Jasmine Revolution, Tunisian composer Jaloul Ayed’s symphony “Hannibal de Barca” was featured in a night of new Tunisian classical music at what non-Tunisian venue located on the Potomac River?

37:26: Q6 (Movies & TV): What two-sunned planet, the homeworld of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, did the Tunisian desert stand in for in the Star Wars films?

Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Docs That Rock Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/docs-that-rock-podcast/id1399865196

WIRED Article: https://www.wired.com/2012/08/olympic-steeplechase/

What is Quiz and Hers?

The trivia podcast where we test each other's knowledge, and the strength of our relationship.