Wednesday Coffee Club

Wednesday Coffee Club Trailer Bonus Episode 230 Season 1

coffee club for september 25 2024

coffee club for september 25 2024coffee club for september 25 2024

Coffee Club notes for September 25, 2024

Lenovo has a utility that lets you access the bios with a screen reader.

iOS 18 fixs interruptions with Siri. 

iOS 18 has introduced a magnifier and a detector function that can detect text or scene detection that lets you know what the camera sees. You can also use voice shortcuts. The Logitech K380 is a good keyboard for use with an iPhone. 

Schwan's is taking their last orders on November 8th.

Chris gave a recipe for Earthquake Cake.


What is Wednesday Coffee Club?

Join us live for the coffee club, Wednesdays from 9 to 11 AM Eastern, 6 to 8AM pacific. We discuss current issues, cooking, books, new and relevant technologies and product demos. Join us using zoom Conference to ask questions or share your knowledge, using either your computer, iPhone, Android phone, or telephone.