FCLG: Farmers Sharing Calls

What are we trying to accomplish with fall tillage? It's all about achieving that perfect seedbed for spring planting. Iowa farmer Jeremy Swanson leads our discussion about what tillage must accomplish for our farms. And he also shares the story of his farm's journey from conventional tillage to strip till and no till acres. Our farmer group also discusses the importance of oxygen to our soils, the use of biologicals to assist with residue breakdown, and the ins and outs of various tillage implements.

1:00: Jeremy Swanson's bio.
2:15: Intro; having a biblical and sharing mindset.
4:45: Think spring when thinking about the goals of fall tillage.
7:00: The goals of residue management.
10:50: Why oxygen is so important to our soils.
11:40: Carbon/nitrogen ratio and its relevance to residue breakdown.
14:00: Using biologicals to help with residue breakdown.
15:15: Why you need to supply biologicals with a food source.
16:20: Oxygen supply and other considerations when applying biologicals.
18:45: Why we need to mitigate soil compaction with tillage.
19:25: Tillage implements and Jeremy's transition to strip till and no till.
26:00: Weed control considerations; a biblical perspective on weeds.
28:05: Group discussion begins.
28:20: Make field-level decisions when considering tillage methods. 
30:25: Farmers' experiences with vertical tillage. 
36:45: Farmers' experiences with chopping corn heads for residue management.
39:30: How Jeremy has used biologicals to assist with residue breakdown.
41:30: Andy Dardini's thoughts on the use of biologicals for residue breakdown.
45:50: Question to Jeremy: What would it take for you to use a ripper again? 
47:35: Are there differences biologicals' effectiveness between GMO and non-GMO crops?
50:25: A healthier plant can handle pests on its own.
53:40: Closing remarks; the importance of humility and prayer.

What is FCLG: Farmers Sharing Calls?

As farmers, we often choose our agronomy strategies alone, with only sales pitches to guide us. We worry for our farm’s future because our success depends on salespeople who may place their interests ahead of ours. The Fellowship of Christ Like Growers is working to change this with our Farmers Sharing Calls. Our podcasts are an opportunity to bless each other with shared knowledge without sales pitches and the pressure to buy something. We center our discussions around soil health, not a particular crop or region. My own 18-year journey in agriculture has taught me the importance of soil stewardship. And other farmers have inspired much of what I’ve learned. I’m George Sims, and I hope you’ll join us.