The Product Launch Podcast

I want to share with you how I measure product-market fit and why you're probably overthinking it.

Show Notes

Product-Market Fit is often thought of as this elusive ambiguous concept, but I feel most people overthink it.

There are two important dimensions from which to measure Product-Market Fit: Qualitative and Quantitative.

Allow me to explain how I measure each using my own product company StaffGeek as an example.

If you want to reach product-market fit faster, sign up for my free 5 day email course here -

What is The Product Launch Podcast?

Sean Boyce from NxtStep shares the latest B2B SaaS strategies to help you succeed. The show covers everything from identifying problems worth solving to scaling B2B SaaS businesses. Sean will walk you through what he is building in real-time and share those results with you so you can learn from his successes (and failures) and apply what works to your B2B SaaS to generate real results.