Founder Radio

At Founder Radio, we interview the globe's most exciting founders about their business and their journey. We celebrate founders, and hope to inspire others.

Mikael Rautanen is Co-Founder and CEO of Inderes, a Finland based equity research and investor relations company. Inderes is changing the investing industry, from a focus on the 1%, to a world where every retail investor has full access to company information and insights. Mikael attributes a lot of Inderes success to the unique company culture.

Mikael has been at the helm of Inderes for over 15 years, and tells us about 
  • The early days of Inderes
  • The team's is organisation and culture
  • Shifting from survival mode, to money making mode, to a focus on the longevity of the company
  • Mikael's personal journey, learnings, challenges in business and in his personal live, and how he overcome those
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What is Founder Radio?

In-depth conversations with the globe’s most exciting company founders