Welcome to DREAM TO SHINE show. I'm Loreta and in this episode, let’s talk about LOVE IS A DECISION (married life)…

Show Notes


Welcome to DREAM TO SHINE show. I'm Loreta and in this episode, let’s talk about LOVE IS A DECISION (married life)… 
When we were young, we’re often asked “What is your Ideal Man or Ideal Woman?” 
We’ll I watched this old Tagalog movie, where the lead star is collecting photos of her ideal guy from a magazine and pasting the parts into a blank sheet of paper. She cut the eyes of one guy, then the nose, the mouth etc until she formed her ideal guy, and the guy actually appeared in real life and they lived happily ever after. What I’m trying to point out is that we had to set our ideal partner and clearly specify the features and qualities. For my case, I wanted a smart, tall, good-looking guy with a good-sense of humor and can make me laugh. And I prayed over my partner. 
We live in the same village but different barangay. We met at the choir, he was bass and I’m alto. We started as friends, we have a lot of things in common. We clicked! We had chemistry. We’re both proud and sometimes boastful. We both have big dreams which is to graduate and get a good paying job. However, our romance lasted for a year only and we parted ways. But after 5 years, we bumped into each other in a jeepney and took the same bus since we’re both heading the same way. He’s heading to Laguna and I’m heading to Makati. So, we started to re-connect and hang out with friends and they started teasing us again. And I went to Singapore and he followed. 
Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amidst the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? With children 
There is no school or class teaching us about relationships especially marriage 
It’s true that once you and your partner lives under 1 roof, you will start to figure out to learn more about each other and each one will press a button that may trigger something that will cause a lot of negativities. In the beginning of your relationship, you are counting the many ways, of “how do I love thee”, but after getting married, you “Start to count ways of how you get into each other’s nerves.” 
After 3 years of marriage, we attended Marriage Encounter Weekend, right after our long CNY trip to KL, Genting and JB. 
Men are from Mars, Women from Venus by John Gray 
Any kind of relationship must be 2-way, give and take, like dancing cha-cha 
With new insight you have the added wisdom and power to change your approach rather than seeking to change your partner. 
Many times a woman just wants to share her feelings about her day, and her husband, thinking he is helping, interrupts her by offering a steady flow of solutions to her problems. 
When a man invalidates a woman’s feelings … 

I hope this episode about LOVE IS A DECISION will inspire and empower you to make your dream marriage and relationship fulfilled.
I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing more of my personal journey and breakthroughs on how you too could DREAM TO SHINE. 


Hello and Welcome to “Dream To Shine” Podcast.

I’m Loreta Pacia Rogero.

After 13 years of working as an Overseas Filipino Worker, I had a breakthrough on having a Millionaire Mindset that changed my inner and outer world …

I believe nothing happen by chance. In recent years, I’ve helped to reach out and empower Filipinos to be Free and Rich.

In this podcast I will share my personal journey and ways to realize and achieve dreams one step at a time

Everyone is a GIFT with potential to SUCCEED and SHINE. Join me in this journey, for every DREAM matters!