Scrimba Town Hall

Alex, Leanne, Bob, Per, and Frode talk about the great Scrimba Discord hack of 2021, new updates to the Scrimba Discord bot, and how module 6 is coming along. Attention soon turns to the chat and questions around if you should learn data structure and algorithms before applying to Junior developer jobs (spoiler: nah).

Show Notes

Alex, Leanne, Bob, Per, and Frode talk about the great Scrimba Discord hack of 2021, new updates to the Scrimba Discord bot, and how module 6 is coming along. Attention soon turns to the chat and questions around if you should learn data structure and algorithms before applying to Junior developer jobs (spoiler: nah).  

What is Scrimba Town Hall?

Recordings from Scrimba's weekly town hall (formerly Fireside chat). In the town hall, various members from team Scrimba come together to share what they've been working on and answer questions from the audience. To tune in live, head to: