The VAHPA Voice

This episode of the VAHPA voice discusses some of the issues facing AHPs as they negotiate working from home in COVID. It includes a discussion about employer's attitudes and the positive and negatives of working from home.

Show Notes

Working from home is a hot issue as the COVID pandemic continues. In this episode, we discuss the challenges of working from home, and ensuring that AHPs rights are upheld as they do so. We discuss the way some employers are using working form home as a way of cost-cutting. We discuss some recent challenges that our members have faced while working from home. 

What is The VAHPA Voice?

The Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association talks all things Allied Health. A podcast for speech pathologists, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists, sonographers, social workers, and all Allied Health Professionals in the state of Victoria, Australia.

Music by Adrian Urso: "Funk the Jam" from the album "Automaton" by Sun Bear Production. Check the track out at: