My Mate Went On Holiday to North Korea…

Episode 1... asks why anybody would want to ever undertake such a trip in the first place - discusses the first sights you see upon arrival - and introduces us to the omnipresent 'Guides'.

Show Notes

'My Mate Went on Holiday to North Korea' tells the story of exactly what its like to visit the so-called Hermit Kingdom - everything from booking your trip in the first place, through getting on the train in Beijing, to creaking across the boarder, an Alcatraz-like hotel and seeing the embalmed corpses of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il - as seen through the eyes of Luke Pearce, who travelled there on vacation in 2016.  The interviewer is @Dave___Smith 

What is My Mate Went On Holiday to North Korea…?

'My Mate Went on Holiday to North Korea' tells the story of exactly what its like to visit the so-called Hermit Kingdom - everything from booking your trip in the first place, through getting on the train in Beijing, to creaking across the boarder, an Alcatraz-like hotel and seeing the embalmed corpses of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il - as seen through the eyes of Luke Pearce, who travelled there on vacation in 2016. The interviewer is @Dave___Smith