Stewart Squared

Welcome to the Stewart Squared podcast with the two Stewart Alsops, featuring special guest Joe Alsop. This episode covers the evolution of technology from the rise of personal computing to the current advancements in artificial intelligence. The discussion touches on the challenges of early programming, the progression of software development, and the revolutionary shift toward natural language programming. Joe Alsop shares insights into simplifying programming for users and reflects on how AI is shaping the future of software and user interaction. Stay tuned for more engaging discussions on tech's past, present, and future.

Check out this GPT we trained on the conversation!


00:00 Introduction to Stewart Squared
00:19 The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
01:47 Programming Simplified: Joe's Perspective
03:51 Historical Anecdotes and AI Challenges
06:53 The AI Whisperer: Stuart's Journey
11:05 The Complexity of Software Development
19:57 The Role of Spreadsheets in Computing
24:37 User-Friendly Interfaces and Legacy Systems
31:35 The Tension in Programming
32:28 AI's Impact on Programming Jobs
35:04 Understanding Programming Layers
39:21 The Role of Software Architects
41:00 The Evolution of Tech Companies
50:41 Corporate Politics and Bureaucracy
01:02:22 The Future of Communication Technology
01:04:56 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Key Insights
  1. The Evolution of Programming: Joe Alsop highlights the shift from early tedious and manual programming methods to modern tools that simplify coding. He reflects on the goal of eliminating the need for programmers by making software development so intuitive that users can create their own applications with ease, a vision that artificial intelligence is now beginning to fulfill.
  2. Natural Language Programming's Emergence: Stewart Alsop III shares his experience using AI to generate code through natural language prompts, something Joe Alsop predicted years ago. This evolution represents a major leap in user interaction, where complex programming tasks are now being automated by AI, making coding accessible to non-technical users.
  3. Challenges of Autonomous Agents: While the concept of autonomous agents—AI systems that can execute tasks based on verbal commands—is highly anticipated, the episode reveals skepticism about their practical use today. Joe and the Stewarts discuss the limitations, such as unsolved issues like time zones and scheduling, that still require human intervention.
  4. The Legacy Problem in Technology: One recurring theme is the challenge posed by legacy systems. Joe explains how older technologies persist and often become bottlenecks for innovation, complicating the process of integrating new systems without disrupting the entire infrastructure, as seen in cases like the CrowdStrike security issue.
  5. The Role of Spreadsheets in Business Applications: Spreadsheets, particularly VisiCalc, played a crucial role in making computing more accessible in the early days. Joe notes that although spreadsheets weren't designed for complex applications, they became a ubiquitous tool for businesses, and their simplicity led to widespread use even for tasks they weren't intended to perform.
  6. Hardware Drives Software Innovation: Joe emphasizes that advancements in hardware have historically been the catalysts for major shifts in software development. Whether it's the rise of personal computers, the internet, or AI powered by GPUs, following hardware trends is key to understanding the future of the technology landscape.
  7. The Future of Satellite Communication and the Evernet: A notable insight is the discussion about Starlink and satellite communication. Stewart Alsop II predicts that satellite connectivity, integrated directly into mobile devices, will soon bypass traditional cellular networks, leading to an "Evernet" that allows seamless global communication, independent of terrestrial infrastructure. This shift could reshape the communications industry entirely.

What is Stewart Squared?

Stewart Alsop III reviews a broad range of topics with his father Stewart Alsop II, who started his career in the personal computer industry and is still actively involved in investing in startup technology companies. Stewart Alsop III is fascinated by what his father was doing as SAIII was growing up in the Golden Age of Silicon Valley. Topics include:

- How the personal computing revolution led to the internet, which led to the mobile revolution
- Now we are covering the future of the internet and computing
- How AI ties the personal computer, the smartphone and the internet together