Signs Radio

"To be born into the twenty-first century is to be born into an era of hopelessness," says media and cultural critic Mark Hadley, citing evidence that shows this is not just his opinion. The way out, he suggests, begins by rediscovering the meaning of 'hope.'
Image: Unsplash_Senjuti Kundu

Show Notes

"To be born into the twenty-first century is to be born into an era of hopelessness," says media and cultural critic Mark Hadley, citing evidence that shows this is not just his opinion. The way out, he suggests, begins by rediscovering the meaning of 'hope.' Image: Unsplash_Senjuti Kundu

What is Signs Radio?

Signs of the Times is a Christian worldview magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia since 1886. The podcast is a little newer than that.