What is the first rule of marriage? “Its always the guy’s fault”. You may have seen that on a meme or a tee shirt. It's become a common phrase today, and it's meant as a sarcastic statement for the fact that women won’t ever give in in an argument until the guy admits his fault in the situation. Ironically, the statement can be surprisingly true when considered a bit more carefully from a biblical lens.
From the very beginning, Scripture shows us that men are created as leaders who bear a significant element of responsibility for the things that go on in their homes, church and communities. This highlights a God-built feature of differences between the roles of men and women, especially in marriage. God has given us men the unique calling of protecting, providing and leading. And when something has gone downhill, there is an inevitable element of responsibility that we bear. How do we shoulder this calling? And what does this responsible leadership look like in guys, especially in the context of relationships? This week on the podcast!
A weekly conversation about following Jesus amidst the tensions & challenges of our post-christian culture.