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Love & Learn

Every time you say no when you mean no, you're saying to yourself, I love you I respect you and I will protect you.

Show Notes

Every time you say "no" when you mean no, you're saying to yourself, "I love you I respect you and I will protect you". Standing up for yourself and setting boundaries doesn’t have to be full of drama. It's an important part of the recovery process to voice your needs. Instead of avoiding the conflict or stuffing it down, you can learn to communicate assertively by saying this is where I draw the line.

In this episode you'll learn tactical ways to communicate assertively such as using the following "assertiveness formula": When you say ________ I feel ___________ because ___________.

For example, when you comment on my weight I feel upset because you know this is a sensitive subject for me.

Tune in for more great wisdom around why, when, and how to set boundaries.


Exactly How to Set Boundaries (Even if You Think You Can't)


What is Love & Learn?

Hello, beautiful healing heart! Love & Learn is dedicated to helping you break free from unhealthy patterns and attachments that keep you from truly feeling lovable, loving, and loved.

With 13 years of experience empowering millions through her innovative work at Recovery Warriors, Jessica brings her passion for healing to Love & Learn. Each episode dives into powerful ideas that inspire new ways of thinking, being, and believing in what’s possible when you release old patterns, shift your mindset, and step into your power.

Together we can heal core wounds of unworthiness, powerlessness, and shame, and discovering new depths of self-acceptance and inner freedom.

Each week on Love & Learn, we dive into popular books by leading experts in psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality, integrating key insights and tools to support deep and lasting healing from trauma.

Choose to set yourself free—it’s never too late to liberate your brightest, most authentic self into the world.