Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals

Join us for the conversation! Screens tend to be a regular part of many young people's lives - to connect, play, learn, and to get news and information. To what extent does screen time affect young people's mental health? Dr Sophie Li, Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist at the Black Dog Institute will share her research on this topic to help us understand the various nuances of the effect of screen time on young people's wellbeing as well as helpful considerations, and practical approaches we can take to this issue. Dr Li will be joined by a clinician who works with young people and also by a lived experience panellist. This session will be moderated by Dr Sarah Barker.

What is Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals?

Black Dog Institute is a global pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illness and the promotion of well-being. Our unique approach incorporates clinical services with research, education and the voice of lived experience to reduce the incidence of mental illness and suicide, remove stigma and improve lives. Here you will find all of the Podcasts produced by the Black Dog including Expert Insights, Being Well and Emprac.