Coach2Scale: How Modern Leaders Build A Coaching Culture

Today’s guest has over twenty years of experience building and managing high-performance sales organizations in high growth, private and public companies. Pat Galvin is the Vice President of Employee Experience, Americas at ServiceNow. Pat and Host Matt Benelli dive into how to establish a coaching culture, whether leaders should focus on people or performance, and why you should be your authentic self in every part of your career.
  • Your top-performing sales rep is not always your best option for your next sales manager. Selling and coaching are very different actions and require different skill sets. 
  • Building a coaching culture requires three things, trust, timing, and tradition. 
    • 1. Trust: Employees need to feel comfortable discussing their own shortcomings with others. 
    • 2. Timing: Coaching should be coming before, during, and after a deal. If you only share feedback after the deal, it can come off solely as criticism. 
    • 3. Tradition Coaching needs to become woven into every aspect of your team and must be given consistently. One day a year of heavy coaching does not establish a coaching culture.
  • Sales leaders who manage for performance rarely achieve long-term success, because they use up all of their team’s goodwill along the way. Whereas, when leaders focus on coaching for the sake of their people, they find better long-term results.
  • When sales leaders focus too heavily on metrics, it can cause two separate problems: 1. Internally, a myopic focus on “the deals” leads to a transactional relationship with your sales team and poor long-term results. 2. Externally, this causes reps to pressure customers too much and offer heavy discounts, rather than sell on value.
  • The best thing you can do as a leader is be your authentic self. While this does require being vulnerable and admitting that you don’t always have all the answers, it will bring you closer to your team and will help you learn more along the way.

Quote of the Show:
  • “Good coaches create good coaches” - Pat Galvin



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CoachEm™ is the first Coaching Execution Platform that integrates deep learning technology to proactively analyze patterns, highlight the "why" behind the data with root causes, and identify the actions that will ultimately improve business results going forward.  These practical coaching recommendations for managers will help their teams drive more deals, bigger deals, faster deals and loyal customers. Built with decades of go-to-market experience, world-renowned data scientists and advanced causal AI/ML technology, CoachEm™ leverages your existing tech stack to increase rep productivity, increase retention, and replicate best practices across your team.

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Creators & Guests

Matt Benelli
Co-Founder, CoachEm™ * Proud Dad/Husband * Entrepreneur * Leader * Coach * Risk Taker

What is Coach2Scale: How Modern Leaders Build A Coaching Culture?

Welcome to Coach2Scale - How Modern Leaders Build Coaching Cultures

Join Host Matt Benelli for conversations with management professionals in B2B companies who share the belief that effective coaching improves the performance of every team member. Our mission is to help leaders become better coaches.

Coach to Scale is sponsored by CoachEm, the world's first AI coaching execution platform that leverages evidence-based coaching to increase quota attainment.