Events in ID

The crisis in Ukraine is a rapidly growing humanitarian emergency. How is the humanitarian community responding to this crisis, and what are the implications for humanitarian studies more broadly? Gathering together a range of researchers and practitioners with experience across the breadth of humanitarian assistance, this panel seeks to explore the implications of the Ukraine crisis on the principles, policies, and practices of humanitarianism.

Show Notes

The crisis in Ukraine is a rapidly growing humanitarian emergency. How is the humanitarian community responding to this crisis, and what are the implications for humanitarian studies more broadly? Gathering together a range of researchers and practitioners with experience across the breadth of humanitarian assistance, this panel seeks to explore the implications of the Ukraine crisis on the principles, policies, and practices of humanitarianism.

Please note that this is a recording of a live event, so the sound quality may be slightly compromised.

Sir Mark Lowcock, Professor in Practice, LSE ID, Previously Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator for the United Nations (2017-2021) and Permanent Secretary of the UK Department for International Development (2011-2017)
Dr Stuart Gordon, Associate Professorial Lecturer in Managing Humanitarianism and Programme Co-Director International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies, Department for International Development, LSE
Dr Eiko Thielemann, Associate Professor in Political Science and Public Policy, Department of Government and European Institute, LSE
Anna Landre, The Partnership’s for Inclusive Disaster Strategies' Ukraine Crisis Focal Point and Disability Justice Activist, Department for International Development, LSE

Dr Ian Madison, LSE Fellow and Programme Co-Director International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies, Department for International Development, LSE

What is Events in ID?

Welcome to the Department of International Development at LSE events podcast. Tune in for recordings from a range of events in the Department, including lectures and panel discussions on vital subjects in the world of development.

The podcasts include the Great Development Dialogue from 2020, an event on development in Asia with Deepak Nayyar and a coversation around Islamic Extremism in West Africa.