The Market Call

Gareth and Jeremy are joined this week by Property & Construction analyst and housebuilding meteorologist, Alastair Stewart.

The macro topics for discussion are the Yen, the continued volatility in the Asian currency markets, the Federal Reserve policy rate decision and what the Bank of England might do with regards to its own interest rate decision next week.

Alastair talks about why he thinks housebuilders are getting busier and the implications of this for the wider sector - spoiler alert, it's all about land buying. Other companies discussed include Concurrent Technologies, IG Design, Revolution Bars, Smiths News, Shell and Alpha Financial Markets.

With things seemingly looking up and signs that capital is beginning to flow back slowly into the market, Jeremy looks to next week when the UK will hear the Bank of England's rate decision, and Q1 GDP data will be released. 

Brought to you by Progressive Equity.

If you'd like to hear more from Alastair Stewart, read his daily Property & Construction sector update here. Or to read our daily market update click here.

What is The Market Call ?

A periodic summary of major macro events, market themes and selected UK company-specific news.